Marco Poggipolini
bandiera italiana
Marco Poggipolini


Officine di Marco Poggipolini features professionalism and competences, certain to offer to his customers his technical know-how.

Officine di Marco Poggipolini focus carefully upon continuous improvement of processes and costs analysis, to achieve top  efficiency for customer satisfaction.

  • Research: purchasing and information analysis upon materials, finishing, treatments.
  • Production: analysis of solutions based on materials and customer needs.
  • Quality Control: Available certification (material, testing) by collaboration with Tec I Eurolab – testing & consulting.
  • Co-design services: business on demand needs.

Beyond co-engineering service using software CAD 3D by Solidworks, Officine di Marco Poggipolini features an innovative ABS prototype machine, allowing production of sample products and in some cases ready to go products, just requiring finishing and painting.